I am 16 years old. I have light brown curly hair. I am almost 5' 10". I am a sophomore in
high school and love to play sports!! I have two sisters, Mandy and Karissa, and a brother-in-law, T.J.
I live at home with my parents. My only pets are cats and fish. :) I am in volleyball, basketball, and softball. I love
volleyball!! It's the best!!

Playing volleyball last fall. Go Wolverines!!
What a job!
Haha, yeah I don't have a job. Its pretty hard to pay for
my own gas. I drive an '04 silver grand prix gt2. Its a hot car!! Wanna go cruisin'??
Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:
Congeneality, Finding Nemo :), Monsters Inc. (oh yeah I'm all for the kids movies!!! I babysit too much, haha :P)
My Favorite Songs:
Trying to Find Atlantis, Symptoms of You (Listen to it!!)